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Have you ever wondered how to radically elevate your career or transform your work environment? Everyone has an inner entrepreneur just waiting to be unleashed, even in a corporate setting.
Adopting an entrepreneurial mindset isn’t just for those starting their own businesses. It’s equally transformative for those looking to excel in their current roles. Here’s what we can learn from entrepreneurs to skyrocket our professional growth and satisfaction.
Owning Your Results
First and foremost, owning your results is crucial. As an entrepreneur, every success or setback falls squarely on my shoulders. But what if you embraced this level of accountability in your role? Imagine the empowerment in knowing you can steer the outcomes that define your career.
When I held a corporate position as a project manager, it was imperative that I owned the project’s direction and success. This involved collaborating closely with a team, each member bringing their expertise to the table.
We relied on each other to stay aligned with the project’s goals, which demanded coordination and effective communication. Remember, owning your results doesn’t just mean being responsible when things go right; it also means standing at the forefront when facing challenges and learning from them.
Promoting Your Business
The second principle is about promoting “your business.” Regardless of your position in the company, understanding and communicating your unique value is key. Promotion in this context means strategically building awareness about your roles and achievements within the company.
In my role at ExecutiveBound and Fearless Women @Work, I continuously put myself out there to raise awareness and understanding about our value so that organizations and individuals can find us and recognize how we’re different. Similarly, you should be visible within your company.
Make it known what projects you are working on, the ideas you have initiated, and the differences these are making to your organization. Success comes when you master the art of impact—delivering results and getting noticed by the right people who can propel your career forward.
The Art of Continuous Learning For Success
As an entrepreneur, adopting a beginner’s mindset helps me stay nimble and responsive to market changes and innovative trends. This approach is just as effective in a corporate setting.
How can you expand your expertise in your current role? Consider engaging more deeply in your industry through panels, conferences, and training sessions. Set up meetings with leaders and peers who can provide insights you haven’t explored yet. This proactive approach boosts your knowledge and significantly enhances your value within your company as a go-to expert.
Integrating these into your day-to-day professional life
Adopting these entrepreneurial principles within the framework of a company setting doesn’t mean changing every facet of how you work overnight. It means gradually integrating these elements into your professional life to foster a more proactive, growth-oriented career and lasting impact. I encourage you to consider how integrating these principles could elevate your role and success within your organization.
As I prepare to deliver an upcoming training in October for one of our partners, where I’ll be elaborating on these concepts, I would love to hear from you! How does this concept land for you? How can running your role like a “business” and coaching your teams in this concept benefit you, the team, and the organization? Let me know at Thanks in advance!
You can connect with us over a complimentary one-on-one strategy session at to clarify your vision and create a plan to tackle today’s challenges head-on.
Live with purpose, live with joy!
Coach Ginny 💕
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Dr Ginny Baro
DR. GINNY A. BARO, Ph.D., MBA, MS, CPC, CEO,, immigrated to the U.S. at age 14 with nothing more than a dream. Today, she is an award-winning international transformational speaker & leadership coach, career strategist, and #1 bestselling author of Healing Leadership and Fearless Women at Work. Named one of the Top 100 Global Thought Leaders, Dr. Ginny Baro has successfully delivered keynotes, leadership training, and coaching programs for organizations, ERGs, and Fortune 500 companies. She’s been a Leadership Coach for the McKinsey & Company’s Hispanic/Latino Executive Program since 2021. Leveraging over 20 years of corporate leadership experience, in 2020, Dr. Ginny Baro created the Fearless Leadership Mastermind™ to help high-potential female leaders advance and gain critical leadership skills to lead, engage, and influence their teams confidently and deliver business growth and personal well-being. She earned a Ph.D. in Information Systems, an MS in Computer Science, an MBA in Management, and a BA in Computer Science and Economics, and she is a Certified Professional Coach (CPC). To learn more, please visit
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